– Special issue of International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
– Expands upon papers from FLAIRS conference, covers various AI techniques and applications
Five artificial intelligence tools that are most applicable to engineering problems are reviewed: knowledge-based systems, fuzzy logic, inductive learning, neural networks and genetic algorithms.
– Expert systems have been used for tasks such as selecting materials, machine elements, and designing additive formulae for engine oil products.
– Inductive learning programs have been developed for training technical personnel in the design and evaluation of energy cogeneration plants.
– Reviewed five artificial intelligence tools in engineering
– Anticipate emergence of new engineering applications
– Five artificial intelligence tools reviewed in the paper
– Examples of applications and work at Cardiff Knowledge-based Manufacturing Centre
The paper reviews five artificial intelligence tools: knowledge-based systems, fuzzy logic, inductive learning, neural networks, and genetic algorithms.
– Knowledge-based systems
– Fuzzy logic, inductive learning, neural networks, genetic algorithms
– Applications of AI tools in engineering are increasing.
– Hybrid tools combining strengths of multiple AI tools.
– Digital technology and tools are being used in the design industry.
– Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the latest computational technologies being utilized.
– The paper reviews five artificial intelligence tools applicable to engineering problems.
– The paper describes engineering applications at the Cardiff Knowledge-based Manufacturing Centre.
– The paper reviews five artificial intelligence tools applicable to engineering problems.
– Examples of the tools’ use in different branches of engineering are provided.