The Role of Crypto Trading in the Economy, Renewable Energy Consumption and Ecological Degradation

– Crypto trading led to economic development and globalisation.
– Relationship between crypto trading and renewable energy consumption not confirmed.

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– Examines competition among different currencies in the cryptocurrency market.
– Finds competition among exchanges in the cryptocurrency market.

Crypto trading has led to economic development and increased greenhouse gas emissions, but its impact on renewable energy consumption is inconclusive.

– Cryptocurrency is not yet powerful enough to compete with fiat currency.
– Cryptocurrency has faced challenges in its development in the financial market.

– Pedroni and Kao panel cointegration tests
– FMOLS and DOLS panel cointegration models

– Examines competition among different currencies and exchanges in cryptocurrency market.
– Finds the current circumstance and future prospects of cryptocurrency in financial market.

– Crypto trading led to economic development, enhanced GDP, and globalisation.
– Relationship between crypto trading and renewable energy consumption not confirmed.

– Crypto trading impacts economic development and globalisation.
– Relationship between crypto trading and renewable energy consumption inconclusive.

– The paper analyzes the connections between crypto trading, economic development, renewable energy consumption, and environmental degradation.
– It explores the dilemma of crypto trading’s impact on economic growth and environmental sustainability.

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